Tuesday 22 May 2018

How To Change Your Eating Habits in 30 Days

Eating habits are hard to break, especially the ones we’ve been living with since childhood. But you have the power to change. In fact, you can start today. We’re sharing a week-by-week guide on how to change your eating habits in 30 days.
If you’re reading this, you’re not happy with your current habits. You understand that it’s time for a transformation. But maybe you’re not sure where to start. We’ve broken down a strategy for how to eat healthy into small, doable steps. Make these steps part of your routine. Over time, you can change your eating habits and how you look and feel!
Learning how to eat healthy is one part of the path to a slimmer and fitter you. When you’re ready to start or amp up your exercise habits, check out Workouts for BeginnersFat Blasters, and Fitness Challenges.

Week 1 |  Focus: Plan menus.
  • Make time to plan.
    If you don’t do so already, set aside time before each grocery trip to plan what you’ll eat for the next week. This helps you avoid resorting to unhealthy packaged foods or takeout because you can’t answer “What’s for dinner?” Use the FREE Clean-Eating Menu Planner to make healthy shopping easier.
  • Plan menus with clean-eating foods.
    Choosing a clean eating lifestyle means eating foods that are minimally-processed or whole. It’s eating a fresh apple instead of packaged, artificially-sweetened applesauce. These foods are often found around the perimeter of the grocery store, like in the produce department. Discover tasty meal ideas with SkinnyMs. Recipes.
  • Plan for snacks, too.
    Healthy snacks are just as important as meals. They help maintain blood sugar levels and provide the body with more consistent energy levels. Don’t find yourself with a hand in the chip bag to stave off hunger. Plan for nutritious snacks and put them on your shopping list. Add some of these 50 Clean Eating Snacks.

Week 2 | Focus: Get clean.
  • Clean out the kitchen and pantry.
    This step is a must-have. Processed foods, often loaded with refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, fat, or sodium, are a big reason it can be hard to lose weight and keep it off. Start a clean slate by clearing out packaged frozen meals, sugary cereals, and processed snack foods, like chips. Learn more in 7 Simple Steps to Clean Eating.
  • Keep an eagle eye out for refined sugar.
    Change your eating habits this week by booting refined sugar from the kitchen and pantry too. It’s often found in surprising places, such as store-bought salad dressings or frozen waffles. Start by bookmarking or pinning 50 Names for Refined Sugar so you know what to look for.

Week 3 | Focus: Pare down portions.
  • Get a refresher on portion sizes.
    It’s easy to lose sight of what a healthy serving size looks like. Check out What is a Portion Size? Then get into the habit of sticking to that serving size for each meal and snack.
  • Check portion sizes—always.
    Read the serving sizes listed on recipes and food packages for a better sense of how many calories you’re consuming. Eating out? Stick to portion size guidelines or look up the nutrition information on the menu or the restaurant’s website to determine how much of the meal is a reasonable portion size.
  • Use smaller plates and bowls.
    Research suggests that people who eat from smaller plates consume fewer calories than those eating from larger plates. Consume less by serving meals in small bowls or on salad plates rather than dinner-sized plates. Try our Skinny Plate Challenge, too.

Week 4 | Focus: Adjust drinking habits.
  • Ditch soda.
    Whether your weakness is sugar or artificially-sweetened pop, it’s got to go if you want to make lasting changes to your health and weight. If you need a fizzy fix, try Zingy Pink Grapefruit Soda (no soda machine needed) or Healthy Lemon-Ginger Sparkling Water.
  • Drink more water.
    Plain water hydrates the body with ZERO calories and no preservatives. It fills the stomach, taking the edge off of hunger that can drive you to snack on unhealthy foods. Need a flavor twist? Treat yourself to tasty Flavored Water Recipes.
  • Consume alcohol in moderation or not at all.
    Alcohol is loaded with calories and sugar, plus it dehydrates the body. Pass on that nightly glass of wine or beer, and instead try the refreshing alternatives in 7 Non-Alcoholic Drinks.

7 Best Beginner’s Workouts for Weight Loss to Start Now

I often regret getting the extra-large order of fries, but I never regret finishing a workout. And if you’re interested in working out (which you probably are if you’ve made it to this page), then we’ve got a couple of beginner’s workouts for weight loss you can check out! You won’t regret it. A year from now, you’ll be glad you started today.
With the right intentions and plenty of motivation, you can achieve anything. If you want to get in better shape, the trick is to have a solid plan when you get to the gym. Know exactly what moves you’re going to do. These routines are some of the best beginner’s workouts we have.
They’ll guide you through the moves, sets, reps, and circuits. And, most importantly, they’ll get you real, visible results!
We’ve chosen some of our top beginner workouts for weight loss and muscle gain. The moves are simple enough for beginners, and they won’t tax your heart past its capabilities. Yet, the workouts are difficult enough to push you to the limit.
We recommend starting out doing 3 to 4 of these routines per week. You can slowly work your way up, increasing the number of workouts per week and vamping up their intensity. Now is the perfect time to get started with these beginner’s workouts for weight loss. We promise, you won’t regret it.

1. Low Impact Fat Blaster

This weight loss workout is easy on the joints, making it ideal for beginners or anyone recovering from an injury. A lot of weight loss workouts use intense moves that require jumping. These moves are great for weight loss, but they can also be hard on your joints.
The five exercises in our Low Impact Fat Blaster burn calories without putting strain on your body. No sudden jumps or explosive moves.

2. 10-Minute Bodyweight Circuit for Butt and Thighs

The 10-Minute Bodyweight Circuit for Butt and Thighs requires no equipment. You can do it comfortably from almost anywhere! In your living room, in your backyard, at the park, or in the gym.
It’s a great workout for strengthening the lower body. You should feel it working your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. And since it only takes 10 minutes, it’s easy to fit into a busy schedule or pair with another routine.

3. All Butt No Thighs Workout

We designed this workout because of the number of women who want to tone, shape, and round their backside without growing their thighs. We picked some exercises that target the gluteus specifically. Do this workout once per week to give your butt a little extra oomph.
You can use it to heighten the intensity of leg day, or as it’s own solo routine. Don’t forget to properly stretch the glutes afterwards!

Sometimes the key to success is starting small. This quick morning routine will help you wake up on the right side of the bed. Start your day feeling powerful and energized!
Working out first thing in the morning can feel like a chore, but in reality, it’s a great way to start the day right. A morning workout gets your blood pumping, kickstarts your metabolism, and gears up your mind. You should feel more awake throughout the day.

5. Beginner’s Total Body Fat Blasting Routine

This is the second fat blaster on our list. Fat blasters are workouts designed specifically for weight loss, so it’s no surprise that they’re popular. They torch calories in a short period of time, and this particular routine uses beginner-friendly moves most people can do without problems.
Our Beginner’s Total Body Fat Blasting Routine is a little more intense than the Low Impact Fat Blaster. So if you found the low impact workout too easy, or if you’ve done it a few times and think you have it down, take on the Beginner’s Total Body Fat Blasting Routine next!

6. Fast Cardio Workout Equaling 45-Minutes at the Gym

Research suggest that the length of a workout isn’t nearly as important as the quality. To get the most out of your time at the gym, do this quick interval routine that follows a template proven to be as effective as a 45 minute cardio workout.
The template uses intervals to keep your heart elevated throughout the workout. You’ll have brief bursts of intense exercise. Push yourself to the limit during these bursts. You’ll have ample rest time to help your body recover.

7. Fitness 101: Absolute Beginner’s Workout

This is one of our most comprehensive beginner workouts! The routine uses just four basic moves that every gym rat should know. Learn how to do these four moves properly and you’ll already be ahead of the curve.
Focus on using proper form while maintaining a steady rhythm. Once you have the moves down to a science, you can start working on speed. You can use this workout to build strength, burn calories, and improve your endurance. It’s one of those anytime workouts you can do several times per week.
We trust that any of these seven workouts can get you started on the road to success. Pick one, or try them all! They’ll help you learn a variety of moves and experiment with length and intensity. Whenever you think you’re ready, check out the rest of our workouts. Before long, you’ll be completing handstands, one-legged squats on bosu balls, and weighted pull ups.


Kick Fat to the Curb!

What we eat is largely responsible for the way we look and feel. Cardiovascular exercise and strength training promotes fat loss, speeds metabolism and has tons of long-term health benefits. Most importantly, what we put in our bodies ultimately has the biggest impact on weight loss and good health.
Consider changing old eating habits and implement new ones to enhance your lifestyle. Sugar–in one form or another–is found in too many foods that most of us either are unaware of, or choose to look the other way. Label reading is a real eye opener and one that takes only a few extra minutes while grocery shopping.
Having a food journal is an absolute must and one that will be a tremendous benefit. I once thought that writing down what I ate would be a big pain and too time consuming. Turns out it takes less than 2 minutes a day to track everything we eat and drink. Keeping a simple food journal can’t be overstated when it comes to fat loss and good health. Consider trying out the fitbook: fitness + nutrition journal for at least three months; you’ll be amazed at its benefits.

This may all sound overwhelming at first. It will eventually become habit– which in turn will become a lifestyle. New habits take around 30 days to take effect.
Work to become a fat burning machine and incorporate these tips into your everyday life.
  • Always use a small plate instead of a normal sized dinner plate.
  • Portion sizes should be about the same size as the palm of your hand. Just use your good old-fashioned common sense when thinking portion sizes.
  • Fat burning foods…avocado, chili peppers, egg whites, fat-free/plain dairy, ginger, grapefruit, green tea, pomegranate, salmon, spinach, walnuts…
  • Eat 4-5 small meals a day– each consisting of a healthy fat, complex carbohydrate, and lean protein. Eat about every 3 hours.
  • Include a small bag or container of 1/4 cup each of natural almonds, walnuts and raisins as one of your daily snacks.
  • When eating healthy and exercising regularly, you can actually eat more food.
  • Drink 3-4 cups of unsweetened freshly brewed Green Tea a day to help reduce belly fat. Squeeze in a lemon or orange wedge–then toss in the cup along with the tea bag. Fill with hot water and steam for approximately 10 minutes.  Ahhhh…kick your feet up and relax!
  • Kick the TV habit when eating, concentrate instead on eating and chewing –take your time.

Best Teas to Drink for Weight Loss

For centuries, tea has boasted a reputation for promoting good health and happiness. Recently, however, experts claim the delicious beverage has even more to bring to the table. In fact, research shows that something as simple as sipping tea can actually help you shed pounds. That’s right—you can actually use weight loss tea to help you in your weight loss journey. Certain teas prove themselves to be easy, natural weight loss remedies, all while delivering a bunch of additional health benefits. Thanks to unique antioxidants called flavonoids, the nutritious beverage can have powerful metabolism-boosting and fat-burning potential. In addition, these properties can also protect your body against free radicals, lowering your risk of cancer and heart disease down the road.
Well, what are you waiting for? It’s time to dust off your teapots, and start sipping your way towards a slimmer you!

1. Oolong Tea

Popular in the far East, this odd-sounding tea has attracted lots of attention recently for its powerful slimming properties. Oolong tea contains catechins, a property that promote’s the body’s ability to metabolize and lipids. Meanwhile, the fat-burning beverage revs up the metabolism, while encouraging the excretion of fatty food.

2. Green Tea

This miracle in a cup has health professionals raving. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants which boost immunity, while its potent properties promote good cholesterol, steady blood sugar levels, and prevent the formation of plaque. Meanwhile, the tea’s catechins boost metabolism and fat burning activity, so you can wave sayonara to those pesky, unwanted pounds!
There are a handful of reasons to sip green tea on the reg besides for weight loss purposes. Check out these  Why Green Tea is a Superfood

3. Hibiscus Tea

Besides tasting delicious and brimming with antioxidants, Hibiscus tea contains a powerful enzyme which, according to experts, can help block carbohydrate absorption. Meanwhile, a warm cup of Hibscus tea also contains natural diuretic properties, meaning it can help flush out excess water and prevent frustrating bloating. In turn, this can boost energy levels and motivation.
Shake things up by enjoying this delectable beverage iced! Perfect for hot summer days, this Cool Down Hibiscus Tea tastes just as refreshing as it is nutritious.

4.Tumeric Tea

Your liver plays a critical role when it comes to weight loss, as the organ is essential for fat burning. Damage to the liver can do a number on its fat burning abilities, however. Luckily, turmeric works to detoxify the liver and protect the organ from cell damage caused by pollutants and free radicals. A well-functioning liver can also prevent the build up of bad cholesterol.
Kick your overall health up a few notches with this Immune Boosting Tumeric Tea  

5. Chamomile Tea

Thanks to its ultra-soothing qualities, chamomile boasts a reputation for helping you get a great night’s sleep. A mug of warm chamomile tea before meals will activate the production of gastric juices, which can help with weight loss. Meanwhile, chamomile contains minerals that promote a clean and healthy intestinal tract, and can rid the body of harmful toxins. It also acts as an appetite suppressant, meaning you can wave goodbye to those pesky cravings!


Challenge 10 Clean Eating Tips- Do’s and Don’ts

When it comes to dieting, lose the fads. The single most effective way to lose weight and maintain health is by making lasting lifestyle changes. Clean eating is a lifestyle that puts the boot to processed, packaged foods dripping with salt, sodium, and unpronounceable ingredients. It focuses instead on natural, nutrient-packed foods that let your body run the way it’s supposed to. Change how you look and feel with our clean eating tips.
  1. Do eat four to six small meals a day. Smaller, more frequent meals will keep your blood sugar levels stable and will increase your metabolism. And, because the meals keep the tummy satisfied throughout the day, you’re less likely to turn into a pantry-raiding snack monster.
  2. Don’t skip breakfast. Never. Ever. Your morning meal establishes healthy metabolism throughout day. What’s more, if you skip it, you’ll likely find yourself consuming larger quantities of food at later meals. For healthy breakfast ideas, try the SkinnyMs. e-Book 7 Power Breakfasts.
  3. Do drink. Water, that is. Drink at least four to six glasses of H2O every day to keep the body hydrated. Water also helps the stomach feel full, making you less likely to give in to unhealthy snack attacks. For a refreshing twist on this go-to drink, try Morning Lemon & Mint Water.
  4. Don’t drink too much alcohol. Whether it’s wine or beer, alcohol offers only empty calories and no nutritional value. If you’re going to enjoy alcohol, save it for special occasions.
  5. Do keep clean eating snacks on hand. Whether the day is filled with the kids’ sports events or running errands for an elderly parent, it’s easy to give in to the bad snack temptation. Stay on your clean eating track by packing up healthy snacks in advance. Find easy ideas in 15 Grab-n-Go Snacks.
  6. Don’t sabotage yourself with sugar. Excess sugar is linked to a higher risk of obesity, high blood pressure, and inflammation. Packaged and processed foods often flood the body with unneeded sugar. Even a product that sounds healthy, like store-bought applesauce, often contains too much refined sugar. Instead, satisfy a sweet tooth with natural sugars, like those found in a whole apple.
  7. Do get very veggie. Vegetables deliver nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. Load up on veggies with these 6 Meatless Meals. They’re simple, healthy recipes that are perfect for busy nights.
  8. Don’t serve super-sized portions. Even if you’re eating a clean diet, it will be hard to lose weight eating portions fit for a sumo champ. Check out Learning How to Control Your Portions and the Skinny Plate Challenge.
  9. Do combine lean protein and complex carbs at each meal. This clean eating one-two punch decreases insulin spikes and maintains energy levels. The combo also acts as a natural appetite suppressant, helping you feel fuller longer. Pair Chicken Pot Roast with your favorite salad topped with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, or red wine vinegar.  Need some ideas for salad toppings?  Check out 11 Tasty Salad Toppings for Weight Loss.
  10. Don’t go into the week without a meal plan. Can’t answer the question, “what’s for dinner tonight?” Be a planner. Decide on a week’s worth of clean eating recipes ahead of time so that you don’t get stuck feeding the family a boxed meal containing processed or powdered who-knows-what. Start with this 5 Day Clean Eating Dinner Menu.
From planning clean eating recipes to watching what you drink, you have the power to change how your body looks and feels.  Take your first step today!
