Tuesday 22 May 2018

Kick Fat to the Curb!

What we eat is largely responsible for the way we look and feel. Cardiovascular exercise and strength training promotes fat loss, speeds metabolism and has tons of long-term health benefits. Most importantly, what we put in our bodies ultimately has the biggest impact on weight loss and good health.
Consider changing old eating habits and implement new ones to enhance your lifestyle. Sugar–in one form or another–is found in too many foods that most of us either are unaware of, or choose to look the other way. Label reading is a real eye opener and one that takes only a few extra minutes while grocery shopping.
Having a food journal is an absolute must and one that will be a tremendous benefit. I once thought that writing down what I ate would be a big pain and too time consuming. Turns out it takes less than 2 minutes a day to track everything we eat and drink. Keeping a simple food journal can’t be overstated when it comes to fat loss and good health. Consider trying out the fitbook: fitness + nutrition journal for at least three months; you’ll be amazed at its benefits.

This may all sound overwhelming at first. It will eventually become habit– which in turn will become a lifestyle. New habits take around 30 days to take effect.
Work to become a fat burning machine and incorporate these tips into your everyday life.
  • Always use a small plate instead of a normal sized dinner plate.
  • Portion sizes should be about the same size as the palm of your hand. Just use your good old-fashioned common sense when thinking portion sizes.
  • Fat burning foods…avocado, chili peppers, egg whites, fat-free/plain dairy, ginger, grapefruit, green tea, pomegranate, salmon, spinach, walnuts…
  • Eat 4-5 small meals a day– each consisting of a healthy fat, complex carbohydrate, and lean protein. Eat about every 3 hours.
  • Include a small bag or container of 1/4 cup each of natural almonds, walnuts and raisins as one of your daily snacks.
  • When eating healthy and exercising regularly, you can actually eat more food.
  • Drink 3-4 cups of unsweetened freshly brewed Green Tea a day to help reduce belly fat. Squeeze in a lemon or orange wedge–then toss in the cup along with the tea bag. Fill with hot water and steam for approximately 10 minutes.  Ahhhh…kick your feet up and relax!
  • Kick the TV habit when eating, concentrate instead on eating and chewing –take your time.


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